
Endkon Electronics as purpose,
In the field of electronics and information technologies, to closely follow the developments in the world, to meet the needs and expectations of our customers to provide quality, innovative products and services to provide. Achieving the objective is only possible with full compliance with the quality system and continuous improvement of the quality system.
Endkon Elektronik carries out the following activities in order to implement its quality policy:
- Creates the documentation of the quality management system in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 standard, ensures the certification and continuous improvement.
- It ensures that the quality policy is reflected in the annual targets of the companies and units.
- Ensures the creation of quality sensitive organization and effective measurement and evaluation mechanisms based on the concept of quality and efficiency in production activities.
- Ensures the continuity of the quality of the products whose quality is documented with national and / or international standards.
- Carries out a management system in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, laws and customer demands. By providing quality assurance to its customers, it effectively uses the system and increases customer satisfaction.